
Armyworms. Crop pests.

Inflict losses with our help.

Where will you strike next?

Crop pests cause vast economic losses worldwide, having a huge impact on the livelihoods of some of the most vulnerable populations. Originally from the Americas, the fall armyworm recently spread to sub-Saharan Africa, resulting in estimates of 20 to 50% maize yield losses. The armyworm appears to have arrived in sub-Saharan Africa as a result of passenger flights from America and has spread widely across the continent in only a couple of years.

Research by Early et al (2018) has considered where the pest might spread to next. By considering the armyworm’s life-history, current trade and transportation routes and the climates of countries that currently have populations of armyworms, the researchers were able to forecast the most likely next steps for this spreading species. In particular, the researchers highlight that the climactic conditions of South and Southeast Asia and Australia make these regions susceptible to invasion, with Australia, China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines and Thailand the most vulnerable.

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Curb carbon outputs

or face the consequences:

Falling stock prices.


We often hear about the environmental benefits of companies reducing their carbon outputs. Generally, however, little happens in business without consideration of the subsequent monetary impacts, and many companies have been slow to change their ways for little apparent financial incentive.

New research by Fang et al (2018) explores the impacts of companies not acting within the emission-intensive sector in North America. The researchers examined the risk factors of climate change on investment portfolios, both directly (e.g. physical risk to properties) and indirectly (e.g. as a result of stricter environmental regulations). They found that companies that don’t take steps to reduce their carbon output could be affected by stock price depreciation and asset devaluation within a decade. Such findings will hopefully prompt more action on curbing carbon emissions.

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Wild, rural, urban

Mammal density

wild, rural, urban – the same.

Rocking the suburbs.


Urban development encroaches on natural spaces, reducing and altering animal habitats. A consequence of this is that many species have evolved to live around humans, although developed areas are thought to have low species diversity and abundance.

Yet research by Parsons et al (2018) in coordination with citizen scientist volunteers suggests this might not be the case. Using camera traps placed in areas of varying development (from wild to urban) and scale (from forests to yards) the researchers found that mammals were found in similar or higher levels of abundancy and species richness in developed areas compared to wild areas. The research highlights the need to conserve wild areas and preserve green spaces within cities.

The keen eyed may spot that the final line of this sciku is a reference to Ben Folds’ first solo album ‘Rockin’ the Suburbs’, released in 2001.

Original research:

Winter driving

Safe winter driving.

Does the bad outweigh the good?

Costs of studded tyres.


Studded tyres are commonly used in many countries in winter to increase road safety when driving in icy and snowy conditions. Yet there are increasing concerns over the costs of using studded tyres.

Research by Furberg et al (2018) examined the impacts of studded tyres, across their whole lifecycle, from production to usage. Impacts of studded tyres measured were the number of lives saved, particulate emissions during use, emissions whilst the tyres are being produced, accidents during the mining of cobalt used in the studs, as well as casualties as a result of conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo where the cobalt mining occurs and which the revenues of mining effects.

When taken together the researchers found that using studded tyres cost far more lives than they saved: in Sweden it’s estimated that studded tyres save between 60 and 770 life-years, whilst the costs are between 570 and 2200 life-years. In particular, whilst the benefits of studded tyres are primarily found in the countries that use them, 23-33% of the costs are found outside of those countries.

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Lingering threat

PCB. Lingering threat.

Slinking up food chains, silent.

Killing the killers.


PCBs – polychlorinated biphenyls – were widely used in a variety of manufacturing techniques until they were linked to health problems such as increasing the risk of cancer, disrupting the immune system and impairing reproduction. Despite a ban on their use, the compounds remain an environmental contamination and can accumulate in the tissues of animals, passing up the food chain to accumulate in dangerous levels in apex predators.

Whilst killer whales are one of the most populous mammal species on the planet, research by Desforges et al (2018) suggests that PCB pollution could result in a collapse in over 50% of the world’s killer whale populations. The researchers amalgamated data on PCB concentrations in killer whale tissues from across the world and modelled the predicted impacts of PCB pollution over the next 100 years. The results highlight how important it is to be aware of potential environmental issues, even with species that appear to be thriving.

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What welcome awaits?

Drought. The water’s gone.

A forced move to find new homes.

What welcome awaits?


Relocation due to environmental problems can be a dangerous process. Linke et al (2018) interviewed individuals in Kenya who have been forced to relocate as a result of drought. They found that people forced to move are more likely to be victims of violence than the general population. The research also found that such displaced individuals only support the use of violence if they themselves have been victims of violence. This suggests that such migrant populations are unlikely to be the sources of violence unless victimized first.

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Hidden benefactor

Your water footprint.

Hidden benefactor of

a healthy diet.


Dietary changes can lead to big health benefits, but there are global benefits to a change in diet too. Vanham et al (2018) have found that a healthy diet results in a decrease in the water footprint required to produce the food. Whilst healthy vegetarian or pescetarian diets have the lowest water footprint, even a change to a healthy diet containing meat results in a decrease in water footprint of between 11% and 35%.

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Fluttering by at dusk by Roy McGhie

Fluttering by at dusk,

dawn, and in between.

Crop diversity!

Recent research by Olimpi & Philpott (2018) concludes that crop diversity as a management practice drives bat activity, and that crop diversity and less frequent pesticide use increase bats’ insect prey populations. The study notes that this could be a useful management tool where other options, such as hedgerow or tree management, are not available.

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Roy McGhie works for Natural England as an Uplands Advisor. You can connect with him on LinkedIn here. If you enjoyed his sciku, check out his previous poems Ghost Ponds, A Heady Mixture and Hedgerow Snuffling.

Ancient Crayon

Ancient crayon of

Mesolithic origin.

What might you have drawn?


It can be easy to attribute modern interpretations to objects found in ancient archaeological sites. Objects found in North Yorkshire, UK, were tested by Needham et al (2018) using microscopy and spectroscopy and were revealed to contain ochre – an important mineral pigment used by prehistoric hunter-gathers across the world.

One piece in particular was shaped a little like a modern crayon, a long cylindrical object with a pointed end, four edges and elongate grooves running in parallel down its the length. Both the wear and the shape of the item are not consistent with the natural crystal habits of haematite, suggesting the shape is a result of anthropogenic working and could have been a drawing tool.

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Consider the lobster

To know global trade,

consider the lobster from

trade route to market.


There has been a 515% increase in the trade of fisheries products for human consumption from 1976 to 2014. This international scale leaves small-scale fishers and fishing economies vulnerable despite an apparent global market.

By mapping the global trade routes of lobsters Stoll et al (2018) have revealed vulnerabilities of small-scale producers in North America to changes in a small number of end-markets. In particular the trade routes make it harder to identify and anticipate risk – should the demand change (as a result of a trade-war between the USA and China for instance) the impact on the $1.5 billion-a-year Maine lobster industry would be vast.

This sciku also includes a reference to David Foster Wallace’s collection of essays – Consider the Lobster.

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Forgotten value

Forgotten value

of seagrass meadows. Crucial

for world’s fisheries.

Life in the ocean is under threat from a variety of manmade issues, including climate change, mining and over-fishing. Yet our understanding of marine ecosystems still remains far from complete.

New research by Unsworth et al (2018) has revealed just how important seagrass meadows are for fish populations and as a result for humanity’s fisheries. Seagrass meadows are found in the shallow seas around all the continents (aside from Antarctica) between the intertidal zone and 60 meters deep.

The researchers found that seagrass meadows provide a nursery habitat for over a fifth of the world’s largest 25 fisheries and provide support to a large number of other small-scale fisheries around the world. The study indicates that these seagrass meadows should be maintained in order to maximise their role in global fisheries production.

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Interested in seagrass meadows? They also play a hugely important role in sequestering carbon. Find out more with this sciku here.

Giant becomes five

Giant becomes five

endangered salamanders.

Hidden extinction?


The Chinese Giant salamander is the world’s largest amphibian, adults can be 2 meters long and weigh up to 50 kg. It’s critically endangered in the wild due to habitat destruction, fungal infection and because the species is used as a luxury food source in China. It is kept in far greater numbers in captivity as a result of it being farmed for food. Two studies published in Current Biology add additional concerns for the future of this species in the wild.

In what is thought to be the largest wildlife survey conducted in China, Turvey et al (2018) found that giant salamander populations were either critically depleted or had been eradicated, as well as finding plenty of evidence for illegal poaching. The researchers were unable to confirm the survival of wild Chinese giant salamanders at any of their survey sites, raising the question of whether this species is all but extinct in the wild.

In a companion piece of research, Yan et al (2018) performed a genetic analysis on Chinese giant salamanders and found that the species actually consists of at least five species-level lineages, potentially up to eight. This suggests that some of these distinct lineages (effectively separate species) may well have already gone extinct in the wild – a phenomenon known as cryptic or hidden extinction. This has crucial importance for conservation efforts, particularly with regards to re-releases from captive populations where the five lineages have been mixed and the resulting offspring are effectively hybrids.

Original research:

Turvey et al (2018):

Yan et al (2018):

Rivers cut corners by John Norwood

Rivers cut corners

Reducing the meander

Over centuries

This poem is one of several that were inspired looking out of an airplane window. I was looking at an oxbow lake and thinking about how the river took a short cut. It is a simple reflection on what may seem static is decidedly not so with a shift of time frame. Incidentally, someone called me on this, claiming that rivers actually meander more over time. Turns out both cases can be true, but the meaning of the poem is the same either way.

Oxbow lakes are formed from curves in rivers as the water erodes the banks of bends, pinching off a loop of river that becomes an oxbow lake as it’s isolated from the main body of the river. Many rivers were channelized during the 19th century to be used as water ways, forming artificial oxbow lakes which may since have silted up or dried out. A study by Seidel et al (2017) suggests that reconnecting such oxbow lakes to the main channels might be an important measure for native species conservation and river restoration.

The name oxbow comes from the U-shaped collar that used to be used as a harness around the neck of oxen as they pulled ploughs. Other terms for oxbow lakes are loop lakes, cutoff lakes and horseshoe lakes.

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John Norwood is a Mechanical Engineer working with Carbon, Inc. to revolutionize how things are made. His interests include old houses, yoga, baking, cryptography, and bluegrass music. You can follow him on Twitter under the handle @pryoga

Enjoyed this sciku? Check out some of John’s other work: Universal truth, The answer is none, God may be defined, With enough data, and Squeamish ossifrage.

Foibles of research


Coercion? Unwanted guests?

Foibles of research.


Academia prides itself on being fair, rational-minded and logical. Yet the practice behind these noble aims is sometimes far from that. A study by Fong & Wilhite (2017) reveals the various manipulations that can take place: from scholars gaining guest authorships on research papers despite contributing nothing to unnecessary reference list padding in an effort to boost citation rate. These instances of misconduct are likely a response to the pressures of an academic career – the demand for high numbers of publications and citation rates.

The survey of approximately 12,000 scholars across 18 disciplines revealed that over 35% of scholars have added an author to a manuscript despite little contribution (with female researchers more likely to add honorary authors than male researchers). 20% of scholars felt someone had been added to one of their grant proposal for no reason. 14% of academics reported being coerced into adding citations to their papers by journals, whilst 40% said they’d padded their reference list to pre-empt any coercion. Whilst changes to aspects of the academic system might help alleviate these issues, it’s likely to be a slow process.

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On a knife edge

Life on a knife edge:

The metabolic demands

facing polar bears.


Polar bears rely on marine mammals such as seals which are high-fat prey. Despite the richness of their diet however, new research suggests that a reduction in the prey availability can have severe consequences on polar bear survival.

Pagano et al (2018) monitored nine free-ranging female polar bears over 2 years, measuring their metabolic rates, daily activity patterns, body condition and foraging success. They found that more than half of the bears had an energy deficit resulting from a high metabolic rate (1.6 times higher than previously assumed) and a low intake of the high-fat prey. As fragmentation of sea ice continues and seals become harder to catch the high metabolic requirements of polar bears is likely to become increasingly catastrophic for the species.

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A zoo without bars by Dr Lisa Holmes

A zoo without bars –

Building thoughtful habitats

for all to explore.

Chester Zoo ( is a registered conservation and education charity that supports projects around the world and closer to home in Cheshire. Welcoming 1.9 million visitors a year, it is the most visited zoo in the UK; home to over 15,000 animals and more than 500 different species, many of which are endangered in the wild.

Chester Zoo has continued with the ‘always building’ philosophy of our founder, George Mottershead, who created the UK’s first zoo without bars and focused on animal wellbeing and conservation. In 2015 Chester Zoo opened Islands which was the largest zoological development in the UK to date. The Islands expedition is an immersive experience, taking visitors through six South East Asian islands to discover the incredible wildlife native to those areas and highlight the conservation issues that the zoo staff are working hard to address.

Modern day zoo research encompasses many aspects of biological and social sciences with the overall aim to address challenges faced in the natural world. Chester Zoo not only supports conservation research both in- and ex-situ but leads on important projects both in the UK and across the globe to improve the management of animals and plants, influence sustainability of wild populations and inspire others to Act for Wildlife.

Lisa Holmes is the Behaviour and Welfare Scientist within the Applied Science team at Chester Zoo. Her role involves working closely with the animal curators and keepers to provide evidence-based recommendations to enhance animal wellbeing and help to inform enclosure design. Lisa supervises postgraduate and sandwich placement students who help to gather key data for a wide range of species. Lisa’s research team are currently working on a long-term project assessing the response of species which have moved into the new Islands habitats.

Check out Lisa’s latest sciku ‘The Masterplan’ here.

An orphan crop

Yam: an orphan crop,

vital yet disregarded.

Gene map may assist.


Yams are a stable tuber crop in tropical Africa yet their cultivation has been constrained due to little interest from the rest of the world, their susceptibility to pests and diseases, and their awkward propagation. As such they can be referred to as an “orphan crop that would benefit from crop improvement efforts”.

To help the humble yam’s lot, researchers have sequenced the genome of the white Guinea yam (Tamiru et al, 2017). The research has revealed that yams belong to a unique genus (Dioscorea) that is distinct from rice, palm and banana groups. Yams have separate male and female plants (a limiting factor for yam breeding efforts) but the research has now revealed that yams use female heterogametic sex determination – unlike our XX females and XY males, yams have ZZ males and ZW females meaning that it’s the female gamete that determines the sex of individual offspring. The research hopes to assist yam breeding and cultivation efforts as well as improve food security and sustainability.

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What lurks beneath?

What lurks beneath the

‘Mountains of Madness’? Maybe

it’s a mantle plume?


Antarctica has numerous subsurface lakes and rivers under its glaciers. Over 30 years ago it was hypothesised that there might be a mantle plume under West Antarctica which might be in part responsible for these subglacial water bodies.

Now there is increased evidence that such a mantle plume might actually exist: Seroussi et al (2017) wrote a three-dimensional ice flow model to understand how much geothermal heat would be needed to create the conditions observed at Marie Byrd Land in West Antarctica. They then compared this model with observations collected by a Nasa satellite. Their results lend support to the theory that there may indeed be a mantle plume under Antarctica.

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Declining monarchs

Declining monarchs:

Habitat not climate is

your Achilles’ heel.


Understanding why a species is declining is a large part of establishing a suitable conservation approach. In North America the monarch butterfly population has sharply declined in recent decades, yet the reasons for this were unclear until now.

Thogmartin et al (2017) investigated monarch butterfly populations and found that the decline is largely down to habitat loss from herbicide use and the loss of overwinter forest, as well as insecticides. Whilst climate impacts on yearly population size, this is not enough to explain the decreases in monarch butterfly population recorded over recent decades.

Original Research :

Flocks of new markers

Little white sponges,

filtering in mining zones:

Flocks of new markers.


New species are being discovered all the time and even the most innocuous can be important. A new species of sponge has been discovered and recorded by Lim et al (2017) at a depth of 4000m on the abyssal seafloor of the central Pacific Ocean. Morphologic and genetic analysis of the sponges (Plenaster craigi) has revealed they are a new genus, currently placed within the family Stelligeridae.

The region where the sponges are found is rich in polymetallic (metal-rich) nodules and may well be subjected to deep-sea mining. The sponges could be useful indicators of the impacts of such mining efforts – they are abundant on the nodules, are easily identified and are filter-feeders so sensitive to changing conditions.

The Latin name Plenaster is due to the abundance of star-shaped microscleres within their bodies, whilst the species name of craigi is in honour of the Chief Scientist on the expeditions that sampled the species Professor Craig R. Smith of the University of Hawaii.

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Black and white cat-foot

Black and white cat-foot.

Your numbers are rising but

your home shrinks and splits.


The giant panda (whose Latin binomial name literally means black and white cat-foot) is a poster species for animal conservation yet recently the IUCN Red List downgraded the species from endangered to vulnerable based on an increase in adult population since 1988.

Despite this population increase there remains concern for the future of the species. A study by Xu et al (2017) using remote sensing data suggests that both the total amount of available giant panda habitat and the average size of habitat patches (an indication of habitat fragmentation) have decreased substantially. Whilst total area and habitat patch size have shown signs of an recovery since 2001, they still remain below 1988 levels (1.7% and 13.3% lower respectively).

Ghost ponds by Roy McGhie

After many moons,

even when buried alive –

Zombies in ghost ponds!

A study in Norfolk has shown that historic ponds infilled by agricultural activity, even after over 100 years have passed, maintain viable aquatic plant propagules. These ghost ponds can have the potential to restore locally extinct species assemblages. Alderton et al, 2017.

Roy McGhie works for the North Yorkshire Moors National Park as a Countryside Manager. He has a strong background in environmental conservation and education, and plays a mean game of tennis. You can connect with him on LinkedIn here. If you enjoyed his sciku, check out his other poems A Heady Mixture, Fluttering By At Dusk and Hedgerow Snuffling.

Can herbivores relax?

My how big you are!

and yet your range contracts. Can

herbivores relax?


As the human population around the world expands, the impact we have on wildlife increases due in part to more land being used for habitation or agricultural purposes. Large carnivores are particularly vulnerable to anthropogenic threats such as loss of prey base and human-wildlife conflict (often to do with livestock).

Wolf & Ripple (2017) created and analysed large carnivore range maps from present and historical (~AD1500) data. They found that large predators historically occupied 96% of the world’s land area whereas now they occupy 34%. A number of species have suffered an decline in range of over 90%, including the red wolf (99.7%), Ethiopian wolf (99.3%) and the tiger (95.3%). Overall the greatest range contractions occurred in South-eastern Asia and Africa.

Bumblebees bumble

Bumblebees bumble

Towards one third extinction

One bee, Two bee, Oh!


There are 260 known species of bumblebees globally many of which are important pollinators, particularly in agriculture. A phylogenetic study of ~43% of these species has revealed that approximately one third of the species are declining. The Thoracobombus subgenus which accounts for 64% of species tested is particularly vulnerable, as are species of bumblebee with small geographic ranges. Arbetman et al, 2017.


Interested in bumblebees? Check out this sciku on bumblebee cognition: Bumblebee football.

How small the harvest

How small the harvest

for sustainability,

this cream-coloured gold.


Illegal poaching and the ivory trade have decimated African elephant populations, but could ivory be harvested sustainably at a level to both maintain the species and satisfy the trade?

By modelling a reference population of African elephants, Lusseau & Lee (2016) show that only a very small amount of ivory can be harvested sustainably without endangering the species and that this amount is well below the current demand. They comment that ‘any overexploitation very quickly runs the risk of driving elephants to extinction’.

No saturation

Aliens spreading,

their invasion continues.

No saturation.


Increased globalisation over the past 200 years has helped to spread flora and fauna species around the world, with some non-native species disrupting local habitats to a devastating degree. Despite efforts to mitigate such invasions, the rate of alien species establishment appears to be increasing and no saturation point has been observed. Seebens et al, 2017.

How safe the trader?

How safe the trader?

The agricultural costs

of invasive pests


Invasive pest species threaten global agriculture and can devastate crops. A study of almost 1,300 agricultural invasive species and 124 countries suggests that whilst the biggest agricultural producers (USA and China) “could experience the greatest absolute costs from further species invasion”, their trade patterns mean they are also the greatest potential source of invasive species and so represent the greatest threat to the rest of the world. In contrast, the countries most vulnerable to invasive species were found to be from Sub-Saharan Africa. Paini et al, 2017.