Indirect Inequality

Covid cares not for
the racial disparity
of heart disease

It was well-known before the pandemic that different racial/ethnic populations in the United States had different burdens of cardiovascular disease, with Black populations the worst affected.

The Covid-19 pandemic, however, has found ways of making bad things even worse, with deaths from heart disease and cerebrovascular disease rising across the whole of the USA. Yet new research by Wadhra et al. (2021) suggests that these increases aren’t evenly distributed across all racial/ethnic populations. Black, Asian and Hispanic populations have experienced a much larger relative increase in deaths (~19%) than the non-Hispanic White population (~2%).

A number of factors could be combining to result in this disproportionate impact of the pandemic on different racial/ethnic groups, including “reduced access to healthcare services, increased health system strain, and hospital avoidance due to fear of contracting the virus in high-burden areas. In addition, inequities in the social determinants of health that are associated with cardiovascular risk, such as poverty and stress, have likely worsened for these groups.”

Whilst depressingly unsurprising, these results make it clear that the United States urgently needs public health and policy strategies to “monitor and mitigate the short- and long-term adverse effects of the pandemic on the cardiovascular health of diverse populations.”

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