Illusion by Jerome Berglund

double the wages
and then halve their value
trompe-l’œil for posing

By Jerome Berglund

Trompe-l’œil is an artistic term for the highly realistic optical illusion of three-dimensional space and objects on a two-dimensional surface. Popular for taking photographs to post on Instagram and other social media, these tricks of the eye and perception are reminiscent to the cosmetic, superficial appearances of progress, change and modest victories in terms of relative earnings, in the West and everywhere.

Our recent practice of hyperinflation following suspiciously closely upon the heels of distinctly minimal incremental graduated gains on wages which have stagnated grotesquely for decades, while productivity increased exponentially, as wealth continues to consolidate into smaller and smaller numbers of hands, the trend toward worse austerity, impossible situations for housing, affordable family creation, healthcare, are only exacerbated, insulted and injured by these distortions passing themselves for supposed reforms, amounting to deceptive sleight of hand magic trickeries.

Further reading: The science behind sales, deals, discounts and promotions

Author bio:

Jerome Berglund, recently nominated for the 2022 Touchstone awards, graduated from USC’s film program, worked in the entertainment industry before returning to the midwest where he has been employed as everything from dishwasher to paralegal, night watchman to assembler of heart valves.  Jerome has exhibited many haiku, senryu and haiga online and in print, most recently in the Asahi Shimbun, Bear Creek Haiku, Bamboo Hut, Cold Moon Journal, Daily Haiga, Failed Haiku, Haiku Dialogue, Scarlet Dragonfly, Under the Basho, and the Zen Space. You can follow him on Twitter @BerglundJerome and find more of his poetry here:

Check out more sciku from Jerome: ‘Environmental Charlie Browns’, ‘Vested Interests‘, ‘Civil Disobedience’ and ‘Exploitation in Micro and Macro’.

Table accessible

Board game inclusion

keeps tables accessible.

Lessons to be learnt.


Whilst the concept of inclusion has been studied in video games, board games remain an under-explored area despite a surge in board game popularity in recent years. In an article in The Computer Games Journal, Heron et al (2018) have set out to rectify this based on their work with Meeple Like Us and the Meeple Centred Design project (meeple being a term for player pieces in board games – ‘my people’).

Their analysis of 116 board games found strengths and weakness in game design and accessibility around colour blindness and other visual impairments, physical abilities, cognitive and emotional accessibility, articulation and communication, as well as the level of representation, diversity and inclusion present in modern board games.

The project is now looking towards developing a set of Tabletop Accessibility Guidelines to help game designers interested in ensuring their games are accessible.

Original research:

Trust me, I’m female

Crowdfund my startup,

Your money is safe with me.

Trust me, I’m female!


In business, women are traditionally at a disadvantage when seeking financing for business start-ups. Yet a new study by Johnson et al (2018) suggests that women have the advantage when it comes to crowd-funded start-ups. The research suggests that women are stereotypically seen as more trustworthy than men which influences the amateur investors’ willingness to invest.

Original research: